The Hottest Suite of JavaTM Components on the Market

JavaBeansTM components and classes
for developing great-looking Java applications.

StudioJ offers high-quality, integrated, pure Java components for GUI development, data analysis, charting, and database access, plus support for Java 2. It's a great add-on to any Java IDE/RAD environment, including Java WorkshopTM, JBuilderTM, Visual CaféTM, and VisualAge® for Java.


StudioJ provides integration support for seamless interoperation among these four libraries :

This integration gives you options such as tying a grid to a database, and then feeding the data to a chart placed within the grid.

New in StudioJ 1.1!

So why wait? Purchase and download StudioJ at or call 1-800-487-3217 to order or upgrade today. You'll add powerful capabilities to your Java apps and save loads of time you might otherwise have spent hand-coding.

StudioJ comes with full source code, and requires no royalties or run-time fees.

Rogue Wave is a registered trademark, and StudioJ and .J are trademarks of Rogue Wave Software.
Java and all Java-related trademarks are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
VisualAge is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of Rogue Wave Software or their respective holders.